We WORK HAND IN HAND with landowners across the country, respecting their values and GOALS.


Some of the many long-term benefits landowners receive from teaming up with APR Renewables to develop a green solar farm include:

  • There are no out-of-pocket costs for landowners to host our solar farms
  • Landowners continue to own their land while hosting our solar farms 
  • Landowners make long-term passive income for 20-25 years by leasing their land, with the ability to extend this income for an additional 5-10 years
  • Excellent opportunity to reduce property taxes by hosting our solar farm
  • Protect the value of your land for your family and future generations
  • Take pride in creating new, good-paying jobs for your community
  • Your community will thank you for bringing clean, green energy to the neighborhood



Yes, a solar farm project generates more long-term, passive income for a landowner in comparison to agricultural revenue or tenant farming.

We work with parcels of land 30 acres and above.

Typical land leases run between 15-30 years. The landowner will earn a steady, passive income throughout the term of the land lease.

Prior to construction commencing, while permitting and administrative tasks are being completed, you may still utilize the land. Once construction begins, the leased land will be dedicated to solar.

The landowner is responsible for any farming or any other landowner activities outside of the solar farm lease boundaries.

APR specializes in developing projects on an expedited timeline. Every project is unique, but on average the timeline from signing the lease to completion of our solar projects range from 12-24 months, which includes 6-9 months for construction.

Solar farm projects consist of solar modules installed on a fixed tilt or tracker racking system, inverters, transformers and electrical equipment. The solar modules contain no moving parts and are silent. If a tracker racking system is used, it has a small motor that moves throughout the day to track the sun. The inverters and transformers are responsible for making the solar electricity compatible with the grid and make a low humming sound. All equipment we install will be in compliance with the township sound ordinance requirements.

During the solar farm project's development phase, teams that include engineers, surveyors, experts, and other land use specialists will be on the property. During the construction phase, project managers, construction foremen and managers, the construction team, inspectors, and others will be on-site. Major equipment, large delivery trucks, and vehicles will access the leased property. After construction is complete and until the end of the lease, scheduled maintenance reviews will occur. This will consist of the maintenance vehicles and electrical contractors. In addition, a lawn maintenance team will manicure the leased property as needed.

We are responsible for maintaining the solar equipment, access, vegetation, and fencing within the lease boundary.

Our maintenance and operations team will conduct routine and preventative maintenance to ensure that the solar farm is performing as expected.

Any gravel access road installed by us can remain in place, unless requested to be removed by you. All solar and other supporting equipment will be removed from the site.  The land will be reseeded with a native seed mix or turned back to agricultural use for you.


Interested in earning a long-term income with a solar land lease and to learn how we can develop and build a solar farm on your property?

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